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Business Licence

What is Licence

A business license is a permit or authorization issued by a government agency that allows a company to legally operate within a specific jurisdiction. Obtaining a business license is typically a requirement for businesses in most countries and is necessary for compliance with local laws and regulations. The requirements for obtaining a business license vary depending on the type of business, the location, and the industry.

Overall, obtaining a business license is an important step in starting and operating a business. It helps to ensure that the business is operating legally and is in compliance with local laws and regulations.

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Udyam is a new classification system introduced by the Indian government for micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to simplify the registration process and provide easier access to benefits and subsidies.


The Business Registration Number (BRN) is a unique identifier assigned to the company by the relevant government agency.


In a company, MSME refers to the classification of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) based on specific criteria such as the number of employees, annual revenue, or total assets.

Food Licence

A food license is a permit that allows a company to manufacture, process, package, distribute, and sell food products.

Shop Act

In a company, the Shop and Establishment Act applies to the working conditions of employees who are covered under the act.


A patent is a form of intellectual property that gives its owner the exclusive right to prevent others from making, using, selling, and importing an invention for a certain number of years.


ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is an independent, non-governmental international organization that develops and publishes standards to ensure the quality, safety, and efficiency of products, services, and systems.

Export Import

In a company, export and import play a crucial role in its growth and expansion into new markets.


Pollution is the introduction of harmful materials into the environment. These harmful materials are called pollutants. Pollutants can be natural, such as volcanic ash.

Trade Licence

A trade license is a permit issued by the government to individuals or businesses to engage in a specific type of commercial activity.


PAN stands for Permanent Account Number, which is a unique 10-digit alphanumeric identifier assigned to individuals and entities by the Indian Income Tax Department.


Tax Deduction Account Number (TAN) is a 10-digit alphanumeric number issued by the Income Tax Department of India to entities who are required to deduct or collect tax on behalf of the government.


Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is an electronic signature used for secure and legally binding transactions over the internet.A DSC is a secure digital key issued by a licensed Certifying Authority.


ESI stands for Employee State Insurance, which is a social security scheme that provides financial protection to workers in the event of sickness, disability, or death due to employment injury.